
Auroracoin is a cryptocurrency for Iceland using PoW. It can be mined. Auroracoin is currently worth $ 0.04 per coin.


Last updated 2 years ago
Price per AUR in USD $ 0.040575488894676
Price per AUR in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 3,230
Market cap in USD $ 0
Change in % over the last hour 0.66424511
Change in % over the last 24 hours 5.80269174
Change in % over the last 7 days -18.78515603
Block chain updated 4 hours ago
Block height 5040202
Difficulty 330.37868494122
Current supply 15480849.811244

AUR specifications

Name Auroracoin
Symbol AUR
Minable Yes
Algorithm BEP-20 Token
Prooftype N/A
Block explorer AUR block explorer

Coin description

Auroracoin is a cryptocurrency designed to serve as a national currency for Iceland, aiming to promote financial inclusion and reduce reliance on traditional banking systems. It operates on a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, utilizing the Scrypt algorithm to ensure fair mining accessibility. Auroracoin emphasizes simplicity, security, and usability.

Auroracoin National Currency Features

Auroracoin's unique "Airdrop" distribution model aimed to distribute coins to Icelandic citizens, ensuring widespread adoption and accessibility. Its focus on decentralization ensures that users retain full control over their funds. For example, merchants can accept Auroracoin payments while benefiting from low transaction fees and fast confirmations.

One of Auroracoin's strengths lies in its role as a thought experiment in national digital currencies. By promoting transparency and immutability, it challenges traditional monetary policies. Keywords like Auroracoin Iceland and Scrypt mining are closely tied to this project.

Auroracoin price history