Basic Attention Token

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an Ethereum-based utility token for privacy-focused digital advertising. It cannot be mined. Basic Attention Token is currently worth $ 0.17 per coin.

Basic Attention Token

Last updated 5 hours ago
Price per BAT in USD $ 0.17469903552526
Price per BAT in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 16,958,960
Market cap in USD $ 261,291,819
Change in % over the last hour 0.52842011
Change in % over the last 24 hours -5.56798186
Change in % over the last 7 days -2.51773661

BAT specifications

Name Basic Attention Token
Symbol BAT
Minable No
Algorithm N/A
Prooftype N/A
Total coin supply 1500000000
Premine: N/A

Coin description

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to revolutionize digital advertising. It is integrated into the Brave browser, which blocks unwanted ads and trackers by default while rewarding users with BAT for viewing privacy-respecting advertisements. Advertisers purchase ad space using BAT, and publishers receive tokens based on user engagement metrics. This creates a transparent and efficient ecosystem where all parties benefit fairly.

BAT User-Centric Advertising Model

The BAT ecosystem seeks to address issues like ad fraud, privacy concerns, and inefficient revenue distribution in the current online advertising model. Traditional advertising platforms often take a significant cut of ad revenue, leaving publishers with little compensation. By cutting out intermediaries and empowering users, publishers, and advertisers directly, BAT promotes transparency and fairness within the industry. Users, in particular, gain more control over their browsing experience, choosing whether or not to engage with ads in exchange for rewards.

Another notable aspect of BAT is its integration with Brave's privacy-focused browser. Brave has gained traction for its speed and security features, blocking intrusive ads and trackers by default. This alignment with user privacy aligns perfectly with BAT's mission to create a more ethical digital advertising landscape. Together, they offer a compelling alternative to the status quo, appealing to both privacy-conscious users and forward-thinking advertisers searching for ad-blocking compatible monetization.

Basic Attention Token price history