
BitShares is a decentralized exchange with DPoS. It cannot be mined. BitShares is currently worth $ 0.00 per coin.


Last updated 4 hours ago
Price per BTS in USD $ 0.0011538828196969
Price per BTS in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 79,906
Market cap in USD $ 3,455,948
Change in % over the last hour 1.14229353
Change in % over the last 24 hours 2.51545773
Change in % over the last 7 days 11.31779523

BTS specifications

Name BitShares
Symbol BTS
Minable No
Algorithm N/A
Prooftype DPoS

Coin description

BitShares is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and financial platform built on blockchain technology. It uses a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, allowing token holders to vote for witnesses who validate transactions. BitShares focuses on enabling fast, low-cost transactions and supporting stablecoins pegged to real-world assets like USD.

BitShares Decentralized Finance

BitShares' DEX allows users to trade assets without intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing transparency. Its native stablecoin, BitUSD, provides a hedge against cryptocurrency volatility, making it appealing to traders and merchants. Additionally, BitShares' governance model ensures that decisions are made democratically, fostering a strong sense of community ownership.

One of BitShares' strengths lies in its ability to handle high transaction volumes without congestion. Its DPoS mechanism ensures near-instant confirmations, making it ideal for applications like remittances and micropayments. Keywords like BitShares DEX and decentralized stablecoins are closely associated with this project.

BitShares price history