
CloakCoin is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency using PoS. It cannot be mined. CloakCoin is currently worth $ 0.05 per coin.


Last updated 3 hours ago
Price per CLOAK in USD $ 0.046757373125205
Price per CLOAK in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 0
Market cap in USD $ 283,095
Change in % over the last hour 0
Change in % over the last 24 hours -0.41438675
Change in % over the last 7 days 3.99103589
Block chain updated 1 day ago
Block height 5695288
Difficulty 0.00033862
Current supply 6054488.3801024

CLOAK specifications

Name CloakCoin
Symbol CLOAK
Minable No
Algorithm X13
Prooftype PoW/PoS
Block explorer CLOAK block explorer
Bitcointalk CLOAK bitcointalk
Homepage CLOAK homepage

Coin description

CloakCoin is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency designed for secure and anonymous transactions. It operates on a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, allowing users to stake their CLOAK tokens to validate transactions and secure the network. CloakCoin emphasizes speed, privacy, and usability.

CloakCoin Privacy Features

CloakCoin incorporates advanced privacy technologies like onion routing and encrypted transactions to protect user identities and activities. Its Enigma feature enables private transfers between users, ensuring confidentiality. For example, merchants can accept CloakCoin payments while safeguarding customer privacy.

One of CloakCoin's strengths lies in its focus on anonymity. By providing tools for secure communication and transactions, it empowers individuals seeking privacy. Keywords like CloakCoin privacy and anonymous transactions are closely tied to this project.

CloakCoin price history