cpuminer-opt-3.9.7 released

Published on: 2019-08-03


Command line option changes:

"-R" is no longer used as a shortcut for "--retry-pause", users must
use the long option.

New options:

-N, --param-n: set the N parameter for yescrypt, yespower or scrypt algos
-R, --param-r: set the R parameter for yescrypt or yespower algos, scrypt is
hardcoded with R=1
-K, --param-key: set the client key/pers parameter for yescrypt/yespower algos.

These options can be used to mine yescrypt or yespower variations using
the generic yescrypt or yespower algo name and specifying the parameters
manually. They can even be used to mine variations that aren't formally
supported by a unique algo name. Existing algos can continue to to be mined
using their original name without parameters.

Go to the cpuminer-opt-3.9.7 released download page