SRBMiner-MULTI v2.3.0 released

Published on: 2023-06-26


d50735d5050325a374ab0bb9b5d9b3cd *
ce5639883d613b78330320b6e5e8d257 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-0-Linux.tar.xz

  • Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's*

  • Added algorithm 'memehash_apepepow' (APEPEPOW coin) for CPU mining, fee 2%*

  • Added shares (accepted/rejected) statistics for CPU mining

  • Reduced miner binary size

  • Minor bug fixes


  • The performance improvement on 'dynex' is temporary until support for new job types is added
  • Auto tune will choose a safe intensity value, you should try to increase '--gpu-intensity' manually
  • Dual mining algo hashrates also changed - you might need to manually set '--gpu-intensity' parameter for the second algorithm (probably set it lower than the auto selected value)


  • GPU implementation will come later - if coin dev decides to take action, right now it would be useless due to the 4 byte nonce size

Custom miner for Hiveos

To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :

After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )

HiveOS update script from v2.2.9 to v2.3.0:

cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-0-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-3-0 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.2.9 && miner start

SRBMiner as a GPU miner for Nvidia, AMD.

Go to the SRBMiner-MULTI v2.3.0 released download page